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Professional Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Service
Work Place Safety
At AG Site Solutions, we prioritize the safety and compliance of your business environment.

Our Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) services ensure that all your non-fixed electrical equipment is safe to use and complies with health and safety regulations.

Why choose AG Site Solutions
for your PAT testing needs?

Experienced Professionals: Our technicians are fully trained and accredited with extensive experience inPAT testing across various industries.
Comprehensive Testing: We conduct both visual inspections and detailed electrical tests to identify potential faults and hazards. 

Reliable and Efficient Service: Enjoy prompt and efficient PAT testing with minimal disruption to your daily operations. 

Out of Hours Service: We offer flexible scheduling, including evenings and weekends, to avoid interrupting your business.
Competitive Pricing: Our PAT testing services start from just £75, offering great value for thorough safety checks. 

Detailed Reports: Receive a comprehensive report for each appliance tested, including necessary recommendations or repairs. 

Certified and Insured: All our staff are fully vetted, CRB checked, and insured, ensuring professional and trustworthy service.

The PAT Testing Process

1. Initial Consultation: Discuss your PAT testing needs with us. We’ll assess the number of appliances and provide a tailored quote.

2. Scheduling: Book a convenient time for our technicians to visit your premises. We offer flexible, out-of-hours scheduling.

3. Testing Process: Our technicians conduct a thorough visual inspection followed by electrical testing using specialised equipment.

4. Reporting: You'll receive a comprehensive report detailing the condition of each appliance and any recommended actions.

Importance of PAT Testing

Compliance: Meet legal requirements and industry standards for electrical safety.

Safety: Protect your employees, customers, and property from electrical hazards.

Insurance: Ensure compliance with insurance policies that may require regular PAT testing.

Peace of Mind: Know that your appliances are safe to use, reducing the risk of electrical fires and accidents.

Industries That Require PAT Testing

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Offices and Commercial Buildings

Ensure all office equipment, such as computers, printers, and kitchen appliances, are safe for use.
Regular PAT testing helps to prevent electrical fires and ensures compliance with health and safety regulations, protecting employees and assets.

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Retail and Hospitality

Maintain the safety of equipment used in shops, restaurants, and hotels, including tills, coffee machines, and other appliances.

Regular testing minimizes the risk of electrical faults that could disrupt operations and compromise customer safety.

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Healthcare Facilities

Regularly test medical and non-medical electrical equipment to ensure patient and staff safety.

PAT testing is crucial in a healthcare setting to prevent electrical hazards that could affect life-saving equipment.

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Construction Sites

Check tools and equipment to comply with stringent safety standards in the construction industry.

Frequent testing is essential due to the harsh conditions and high usage rates, ensuring worker safety and equipment reliability.

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Educational Institutions

Ensure the safety of electrical equipment used by students and staff in schools, colleges, and universities.
Regular PAT testing helps to create a safe learning environment by preventing electrical accidents and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

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Event and Entertainment

Test audio-visual equipment, lighting, and other electrical devices used in events, concerts, and exhibitions.

Ensuring all equipment is safe to use is critical to avoid disruptions and maintain safety for performers and attendees